Services > Psychological care 

Psychological care

Psychological treatment offered in Lima and Cusco

QORITOs psychologists Nely Nieves and Alan Caceres offer psychological counseling sessions for cleft families as well as parents’ workshops in the “Casa QORITO” in Lima. In Cusco, Mitsee Montesino takes care of the patients and their families.

It is not only the cleft child that suffers the emotional consequences of cleft. The parents are stressed because they worry about their sick child, and also often have to endure mocking or exclusion by their community because of their child's cleft. The QORITO team provides counsel, working with the parents, with all family members, or only with the cleft child, as needed.

Alan Caceres accompanies most of the surgical missions in order to prepare the parents for their child's surgery, and offers psychological counseling to families in far off regions.

To make an appointment please contact:


Psic. Nely Nieves Trujillo (Tel. +51 992 710 528)
Psic. Alan Caceres Olsen


Lic. Mitsee Montesino Pezo

For psychological counseling on missions please contact Lic. Yeni Sotelo (Tel. +51 999 047 620) to get information about our upcoming missions.